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Meole Brace School

Meole Brace School

Our Governors


We hope this page helps you to understand who the Governors are and the work they do to support the school.

The main responsibility of a school governor is to ensure high standards of achievement for all pupils at the school. In order to do this LGB has three core functions:

· To ensure the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school.

· To hold the leaders of the school to account for the school’s and pupil’s performance as well as the performance management of the staff.

· To ensure good use of the resources in the school and to oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure that money is well spent.

We are committed to upholding Meole Brace’s core values and continuing to ensure all our students have access to high quality education in a safe, supportive but suitably challenging environment. Our priority is to ensure that each student develops their academic, personal and social skills to the highest level they can in preparation for leading happy, successful lives.

Governors are all volunteers and come from a variety of backgrounds. This means the Local Governing Body provides a wide range of skills and experience to support our work.

Currently the LGB has members with backgrounds in law, business, IT, finance, as well as primary, secondary and further education. Some governors are parents of children at the school, others including the headteacher are members of staff.

The LGB meets six times a year and operates some smaller subcommittees. For more information on the responsibilities of the Governing Body, please click on the following link:

In May 2022 our multi-academy trust merged with another to create the TrustEd Schools Alliance. We believe this will strengthen all our schools and help facilitate further collaborative work. A Board of Trustees oversees the work of the Trust. Our LGB has a Link Trustees who attend LGB meetings enabling a direct link between the school and the Trust.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Meole Brace School, please contact the clerk to the Local Governing Body at the school.

Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, then write to Chair of Governors c/o Mrs L Thomas, Clerk to the Governors, Meole Brace School, Longden Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 9DW.

Chair: Mr Vince Dovey

HEADTEACHER: Miss Seema Purewal

Mr Vince Dovey (Chair)

Mrs Ruth Ashbee

Mrs Claire Pennal

Rev Fiona Iddon

Mrs Rhea Alton

Mrs Sarah Godden

Mrs Rio Hurlstone

Mrs Tracey Capstick

Dr Catherine Jeffries

Mrs Sara Morris


Meole Brace School, Longden Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 9DW

T: 01743 235961F: 01743 364017E:

Part of the TrustEd Schools Alliance

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