Arrangements for visits by parents
The school arranges an Open Evening usually in mid-Autumn term and parents are always most welcome at this event.
For parents wishing to visit at other times please contact school and a senior member of staff will be pleased to show you and your family round. We understand that on these occasions questions will range from major policies to issues of detail. We are proud of our school and enjoy showing visitors round. You are most welcome !
Admissions Policy
The school's current admissions policy is operated by the LEA on behalf of the school. Full details are set out in the LEA's information booklet 'Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire', copies of which are held in school for the reference of interested parents or alternatively are available from
The Education Department (Admissions Team),
Abbey Foregate,
Shrewsbury SY2 6ND
Telephone 01743-254364