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Meole Brace School

Meole Brace School

Absence, Attendance and Punctuality

Promoting Regular Attendance: Helping to create a habit of regular attendance is everybody’s responsibility - parents, students and all members of school staff.

Arrival to school

The first bell goes at 8:45. Pupils should be going to tutor time at this point. The register is taken at 8:50.

Our three pupil entrances are open just before 8:40; pupils need to come onto school site and go straight to their tutor rooms.

The gates are locked at 8:50 and any pupil arriving after this time is late to school. They will need to go to the main gates and then to reception to sign-in.

Reporting absence

If a pupil cannot attend school for any reason, please can a parent/carer notify the school by emailing or by calling 01743 235961.

Please can we be notified of absence as early as possible, preferably before the start of the school day.

Please continue to report absence for each day your child is not in school. This is for safeguarding purposes. We do, however, understand that some illnesses and reasons will naturally require consecutive days of absence. In this case, please report this to us. 

End of the day

The school day ends at 3:15 for all students.

Total time in a typical week: 32 hours 30 minutes.

Checking your child’s attendance and punctuality

Our school app, Go4Schools, provides a live attendance and punctuality dashboard so that you can keep on top of absence and lateness.


Meole Brace School, Longden Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 9DW

T: 01743 235961F: 01743 364017E:

Part of the TrustEd Schools Alliance

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